From Phat to Fit In Pictures - From 120 to 210 and Back to 130 & Healthy

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stacey's 7 Weight Loss Tips

1. This battle will be 80% diet, 20% exercise, and 100% MENTAL. What worked for me may not work for you. Losing weight is basically two things eat right and exercise. Don't make it more complicated than it is. Do you best to stick to the plan. Attitude is EVERYTHING! Every day say "I CAN DO THIS". Take the word "DIET" out of your vocabulary forever!! This is not a temporary fix, IT IS A LIFESTYLE CHANGE! In order to make these changes last we have to re-train ourselves by erasing our bad habits and creating healthy new ones. "we can't become what we need by remaining what we are" Max Dupree.

2. Boost that metabolism and burn those calories!! Get out there and do something. Walking, hiking, jogging, taking a class, taking the dog around the block, chasing your kids at the playground, taking the stairs, buy a dvd, anything! Some how some way help your heart by getting some form of exercise. Remember slow and steady wins the race. Don't forget strength training too, even if you just start with 3lb weights, building muscle is what will make you look trim & speed your metabolism which means burning more calories at rest (I like that!). Think of it as attacking it from both sides, strength training builds muscle from with in, cardio burns the fat ~ so if your doing both the quicker you will see that definition.

3. Log your food-the good the bad and the ugly NO EXCEPTIONS. Just because you don't log it does't mean you didn't eat it. Even for people who say they don't like counting calories or 'don't have the time to log' ~ take the 5-10 mins a day to log your food. You'll be amazed how easy it can be to go overboard when we aren't paying attention to the details. Not to mention its been scientifically proven those who track what they eat are 10 times more likely to get the weight off and KEEP it off! I like those odds so what can it hurt? Besides if you have time to watch TV, read a book, take a nap, go to the mall - you have time to log!

4. Its important to keep yourself motivated, but more so than motivation it takes commitment. Motivation can come and go depending on how you feel that day. COMMITMENT lasts no matter whats happening. We can be our own toughest critic - but its important to encourage ourselves with positive self talk. YOU CAN DO THIS! DON'T EVER GIVE UP!! We can't obsess over every slip up or mistake~but we can learn from them. If you blow it or give yourself a treat, make it that a treat, not an excuse to splurge the rest of the day.

5. Enjoy your food. Food is not the enemy, for so long I thought this was true. There are TONS of delicious healthy foods out there, explore what you like and experiment with new recipes. For so long I used to think I loved fast food, but I didn't - I was addicted (and lazy). Then I cut the cord and realized it wasn't the food I loved, it was the convenience and the comfort I got from the food b/c I was unhappy. I realized I needed to stop filling the hole inside me with food and start fueling my body with good foods so I could be a better more healthier me, which in the end would fill that hole instead of the food.

6. BE REALISTIC! If anything this is my #1 piece of advice!! So often we give up because we aren't "seeing" the results or the scale isn't moving. Maybe we think that we should be able to consistently lose 3-5lbs every week and get mad when that little evil box tells us otherwise! Maybe you worked your butt off, at perfectly and only lost a pound! But think of it, 1 pound is 4 sticks of butter! 1 pound every week over a year is 52lbs GONE!! BE REALISTIC, it took a lot of us a lifetime to put on the weight, so don't get down on yourself when it takes time. Remember it is a LIFE style change, and those changes don't happen in a week, or a month. THIS WILL TAKE TIME! Make realistic goals, make small weekly goals, and monthly goals (not just weight loss) This is a mental, spiritual, and physical journey so take care of yourself in all areas!! WRITE DOWN your goals, blog about your success, pat yourself on the back when you've lost 4 sticks of butter!

7. Most importantly remember YOU WILL plateau, that doesn't mean you've stalled or stopped making progress so KEEP GOING! Mix up your work out routine, introduce something new to your diet, try new recipes. Just don't give up! Take measurements and progress pictures. Just b/c the scale refuses to move doesn't mean all your efforts are getting you no where. There were points of time in my journey where I lost no weight but dropped a whole pant size. Remember, even when the scale isn't moving, your body is still changing. We build muscle, we lose inches, we get lean and mean! The scale isn't the best way to determine our success. "be more stubborn than the scale eventually it will go down".

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