From Phat to Fit In Pictures - From 120 to 210 and Back to 130 & Healthy

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Big Moment is Here

I started this journey to health and fitness in September of 2008.  After just 6 months I was achieving great strides in fitness I never thought possible.  When I first started I was so out of shape I could barely lift a 5 pound barbell, do 1 push up, or 5 minutes on the elliptical machine.  After 6 short months I was running a 3 mile trail on the mountain near my home, attending 60 minute sweat dripping, heart pounding spinning classes, and pumping some serious iron in lift classes at my gym.  April of 2009, astonished at how far I'd come, I asked myself "what else can you do?"  my answer was "ANYTHING!!".  I never knew I was capable of such things, but I didn't back down and pushed myself farther than I ever had before - and I was amazed at what I found.  So in April 2009 I set out to achieve greatness.  Not fame or fortune, but greatness.  A moment that brings tears to your eyes, a moment that fills you with pride, a moment in time you'll remember forever because "I DID THIS"!!  I decided that my moment was going to be something I'd always dreamed of doing but never thought possible: I decided I wanted to hike the Grand Canyon.  So after a year of training, tomorrow we set out for the 22 mile journey and 3 day adventure filled with waterfalls and paradise!  I can only imagine the sense of accomplishment I'll feel being able to say "I hiked the Grand Canyon", but I can hardly wait!  This is my first ever back packing trip. I am a little nervous-especially after putting on my 25 pound pack last night -- but more than anything I'm excited. I know this experience will be nothing like I've ever done before -- at it certainly wont be the last!!  I plan on having many more "moments of greatness" in my future!!  Blog and photos of the Canyon to follow.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekend Update 10-5-09

It's been another eventful weekend. Some events I wish could have been avoided, others I'm over the moon about!

Friday afternoon hubby and I picked up the boys from school and headed to the mall so mommy could do some long over due clothes shopping. I've been putting off buying anything substantial for a while now, knowing I'd only be wearing it for a short time I didn't want to waste the money. The time has finally come though where with only 8 or so pounds to go I needed to bite the bullet and get some nice fitting clothes. That and I'm sure the ladies who stand behind me in Turbo Kick Box don't like to watch me adjust my pants and underwear every 60 seconds lol! Plus I've worked hard so I deserve to look cute in some new digs right?

Firs stop was Lady Footlocker. I scored two pairs of new work out pants for $25.00 saaa-weeet!!! Then, I had a coupon for my favorite store New York & Company and scored some awesome deals! The sales lady spent a lot of time with me and threw in an even better coupon!! Let me just tell you ladies NY&CO has AWESOME coupons if you sign up for their rewards card (free). They send them out all the time -- the one I used was spend $150 get $60 off!! Plus their buy one get one half off deals you can't beat it!! I saved over $100!! I purchased 3 pairs of SIZE 2 pants HOLY FREAKIN COW I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! (NY & CO runs small but its still a small triumph), a tunic and leggings and a few shirts (all size smalls WOO HOO). Then it was off to Tilly's where I got another cute little top combo (more smalls). My husband and boys were so cute helping me shop. He was going around the store picking stuff out for me. I came out of the dressing room and told him I needed a size 2 and his jaw hit the floor, hehe there I was with probably the biggest smile EVER!!!!

After the mall we used a gift card I won at book club for dinner at Outback, we hadn't been there is over a year so why not right? I got a salad, small sirloin, sweet potato, and steamed veggies. It was mmm mmm good!!!

After dinner we headed to Wal-Mart. I was in desparate need of sports bras & underwear. You seriously gotta love Wal-Mart three sports bras for $10, a three pack of underwear for $5.50, work out tank tops for $4 each, and a pair of spandex shorts for $7 - I'm cheap and I'm not afraid to admit it hehehe. Okay not cheap, Frugal!

You know I always take lots of pictures so here's a little fashion show.....
Tunic Dress & leggings NY&CO Size Smalls

hubby picked this one out NY&CO Size 2 pants and small tops

Top from Tilly's Jeans from NY&CO Size 2 pants and small tops

New work out clothes - all smalls

After shopping and dinner we headed home to find one of our front windows broken, for a split second we thought we were broken into. Then I figured it had to have been our dog Monster who loves to get excited when people walk by our house. He somehow managed to break the window, but stayed in the house, thankfully. At first appearance he seemed okay, I found a bit of blood around the house but couldn't see any obvious wounds on him so I cleaned it up and proceeded on with unpacking the car. A few minutes later I noticed more blood! Oh geesh!! First I feel bad for him, then I start to freak a little because we just spent most of our money at the mall!! OH NO!! I found an inch long gash between his front legs and it was pretty deep, not bleeding bad but gross. I called my sister in law's sister who is a vet and lives nearby. She was nice enough to come over, helped us clean it up and she called us in a perscription for antibiotics. Its so nice to have a vet in the family. The wound is still open but trying to heal. I need to go to the store and get a butterfly bandage to try and keep it closed. Hopefully we can avoid any major vet bills. Sarah thinks it will heal on its own though as long as we keep it clean. In the mean time poor baby has a lampshade on his head and he's not too happy! ((squeemish eyes look away!))


Saturday we had a nice family hike, this one much easier than last weekends since we had little ones with us. This ones right in town and mostly paved - a pretty good incline still.
Trail Head


Today (Sunday) is a pretty low key day watching football and cleaning house. The Canyon hike is now a little less than three weeks away, I'm getting very excited! Yesterday we scouted out the gear we need to buy and I can't wait!!! On another side note today I weighed in at 133.2 pounds!! We'll see what Friday's official weigh in brings but I'm super excited to still see the scale moving down!! I've been on track all weekend for once and feeling good about October! This coming Saturday is my 10 year HS reunion, though I don't think very many people are going it will still be fun to catch up with old friends. Today my friend told me she has P90X for me to borrow, and I am SOOOOO excited!! Friday I saw a spark members page -- he had a day 1 and day 59 P90X photo and WOOAH!!! It was the one thing I needed to see the boost me into I GOTTA DO THAT!! mode!! Time to get rrrrrrrriiipppped!!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

September 2009 Run Down

It's hard to believe that October is already here!! Just around the corner is Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and OH MY 2010!!! HOLY COW where did this year go??? This got me to thinking about the last month - how its just flown by and how I did with my goals? 

So how did September go for me?

Total Pounds Lost = 4.....
I'm pretty stoked about this. Everyone keeps telling me how the last 10-15 are going to be really hard to lose and probably take the longest so I'll take it!

Total Calories Burned = 9,767......
My goal was to burn 15,000 so I fell short, but considering I took a 10 day hiatus from the gym due to a nasty cold I feel pretty good about how many calories I ended up burning.  My goal was to work out 22 days out of 30, even though I only made it 14 days to the gym that still gives me a pretty good average of 700 calories burned per work out woo hoo!.

Total Calories Consumed = 45,739..... My daily goal range is 1200-1550 calories.  I'm actually pretty surprised I stayed with in my monthly goal of 36,000-46,500 calories with the weekend splurges, but I'm still happy I was able to stay with in the goal over all.  If you average it out my daily calories consumed was 1525 (on my high end but still with in my goal)!
September Highlights:  
I purchased my first ever pair of size 4 Jeans

For the first time since I was a child I made it to the top of Squaw Peak

I shifted my focus from cardio to serious strength training starting photos

I went to my first NFL game & Tail Gating Experience

We added another furry member to the family - Onyx the Guinea Pig

I'm ecstatic to report both boys are doing fabulous in school, working hard for those A's!!!


  • Get back on the water wagon - I haven't been getting my 100oz of water daily and need to re-commit to it.
  • Stay with in calorie ranges daily - consume between 37,200-48,050 calories in October
  • Burn 11,000 calories in October
  • Continue strength training 4x per week, increasing weight when I can
  • Research A.C.E. certification & nutrition classes at PVCC
  • October 10th is my 10 year high school reunion. This event was one of my motivators to get in shape and lose weight.
  • October 22nd we leave for the Grand Canyon. Havasupai Falls hike 22 miles round trip!

weight loss ticker